aim high shoot low meaning

aim high shoot low meaning

I can't say I think 'aim high, shoot low' is a good slogan. To me it suggests they set their sights at lofty/ambitious (high) goals, but when it comes time to pull the trigger as it were, they shoot at a lower, easier to achieve target. To me,

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  • I can't say I think 'aim high, shoot low' is a good slogan. To me it suggests ...
    Meaning of &quot;aim high, shoot low&quot; | WordReference Forums
  • What does &quot;Aim High Shoot Low&quot; mean? I see that sentence in the song name &quot;...
    What does &quot;Aim High Shoot Low&quot; mean? | Yahoo Answers
  • &quot;Shoot High Aim Low&quot; (3) &quot;Almost Like Love&quot; (4) &quot;Shoot High Aim L...
    Shoot High Aim Low - Wikipedia
  • 1980's, a group called &quot;Yes&quot; had a song, Aim High, Shoot Low. Of course they...
    Wordwizard • View topic - Aim high shoot low
  • Shoot high aim low Nothing you can say Shoot high let go Takes me by surprise Shoot high a...
    Yes - Shoot High Aim Low Lyrics | SongMeanings
  • Aim low shoot high MEANING? What does is mean &quot;Aim low shoot high&quot; ? Follow 2 an...
    Aim low shoot high MEANING? | Yahoo Answers
  • &quot;Aim high, shoot low&quot; is an idiom and is also a song by the artist, Yes, except ...
    What does aim high shoot low mean?
  • Lyrics to &quot;Shoot High Aim Low&quot; song by Yes: We hit the blue fields In the blue s...
    YES LYRICS - Shoot High Aim Low - AZLyrics - Song Lyrics from A to Z
  • Find the lyrics and meaning of “Shoot High Aim Low” by Yes and give your interpretation. W...
    Yes - Shoot High Aim Low Lyrics Meaning | Lyreka
  • 關於aim high meaning以及,aim high low,aim high shoot low 意思都在愛維基。iWiki ... 愛維基提供群眾的智慧結晶給想找答案的網...
    aim high meaning,aim high low條目|愛維基
  • Hi Group, What does &quot;Aim High&quot; and &quot;Aim Low&quot; mean? and I have an ... I...
    Aim High | WordReference Forums
  • 2015年10月14日 - Aim high, shoot low&quot; is an idiom and is also a song by the artist, Yes...
    What does aim high shoot low mean? | Yahoo Answers
  • &quot;aim high shoot low&quot; 到底是褒義詞還是貶義詞呢? 有人是翻作&quot;志存高遠腳踏實地&quot; 也有翻作&quot;眼高手低&quot...
    [請益] aim high shoot low - 看板Eng-Class - 批踢踢實業坊
  • 2004年9月1日 - This is a phrase which is used in a recent atomic kitten song. I was asked by...
    Aim high shoot low - Wordwizard
  • 2005年1月6日 - But I'm looking for a similar phrase: &quot;Aim low and shoot high.&quot;...
    Aim low, shoot high - phrase meaning and origin - The Phrase Finder
  • i think this means always aim high in life to reach your dreams and if you have to take a ...
    What does &quot;Aim High Shoot Low&quot; mean? | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • It's an anti war song. Shoot high...raise your standards and find peace. Aim Low, get ...
    What does &quot;shooot high aim low&quot; mean? [Archive] - The ...